Monday, August 26, 2013

We are all MBA’s, no?

When you tell a friend sitting next to you, “I have a bad headache!” and s/he replies, “Just take an aspirin, it’ll be fine.” You know they are an MBA.

When the doctor asks you to complete the medicine course & you leave it half way when you feel back to good health, you know you are an MBA.

A person shouts, “Modi has a hand in Godhra riots I am sure.” Here’s another MBA.

When a student in the class makes others believe that his/her teacher is a psycho, s/he is an MBA still at school level  :D

When parents makes the child believe, “Sleep early or else the boo boo man will catch you!“  That’s a scary MBA parent.

When you believe in the internet that says, ‘Nothing is impossible for Rajnikant’. The internet my friend, is a confident MBA!

When some baba on some religious channel of some other language says, “Life is just an illusion”, and you read it in English in the subtitle and completely accept it as a fact, the baba is a super MBA.

When you look at the sky and decide, “Naah, it won’t rain today!” and it rains, you are a wanna-be MBA.

When the computer hangs and you shout, “The virus is BACK, but I just got a format done!” You are a confused MBA.

And for those who are wondering and curious to know what an MBA is, it means ‘Mane Badhu Aavde che’! It translates to ‘I know everything’.

If you think you can write better or there are better blogs to read, you are an MBA with an opinion!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My life can be a blockbuster movie…

Maybe just once, but this thought has sure passed your mind, hasn't it?

Being 23 and full of experiences, where every emotion can have a book each.

From uniforms to latest fashion, from oily neatly tied up hair to the free flowing tress, from flat ballerinas to heels, its amazing how things change, lifestyle changes. The time when we ate bags of chips without counting the calories and today, everything seems fatty. The moment when a chill would run down our spine realizing we haven’t completed our school homework which has now been replaced by deadlines & responsibilities way more serious than our imagination. Pleading and getting angry for a raise in the pocket money and later saving money for the future after getting a job. The time when you spent money without a second thought & the present where each penny counts. Checking out the menu in the canteen to cooking your own food.

The challenge of going through teenage and standing up to the expectation of parents. The accidents, heart breaks, complaints & failures we got over. The fear of submission on time & later the fear of passing job interviews. The parties, the occasions, the passing with flying colors, the appreciations, that long trip with friends we have adored. The first official mail & the first meeting with a client that gave immense happiness.

All of this, with a completely different story in each one’s life.
Every life can be a movie indeed! 

Or even better, a story to tell…

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Train Conversations

I captured something that every Indian must have gone through & relished while traveling. 

Here's a glimpse into some statements picked up from the typical Indian conversation by various people in a train to Ahmedabad :

1. Karma ! If you are rich, if you are poor, its all because of Karma.

2. Human is the most beautiful thing created by God.

3. These days mom calls up my servant more than she calls me just to ask when would he be coming home for work. And the servant would reply that as it is a Sunday, he is taking his wife out to Kankaria Lake.

4. Gujaratis love Sundays. They would sit back home, eat all they can & hang around with family. Marwadis are totally different in that case. Marwadis are less worried about life after 4 days and so much more worried about their next 7 generations that they will also work on Sundays so that the coming generations do not have to face a problem.

5. People now a days go to malls just to enjoy the AC. They don't really intend to shop.

6. Knowledge is important to know how to do things in the right way. Today people have degrees but no knowledge. 

7. If you want to be in the best place all you need is confidence. 
In MBA interviews they have been asking,
-How many buttons does your shirt have ?
-What is the color of the chair you are sitting on ?
-What was your train number?
They won't check if its correct or not if you can confidently answer back. 

8. MBA and the likes of popular degrees don't have any value because of quality of knowledge they impart.  Once my friend who is an MBA suddenly dropped by my house & said, 'Yaar mere sath bank chal na. DD bana k de muje'. Because this MBA guy did not know how to go about making a DD (Demand Draft).

9. Jo hai usko bacha k rakho. Jo insaan ki sabse badi kamayi hai usko bacha k rakho, gumao mat. (Save whatever you have earned, don't let it go. He was probably talking in terms of respect).

10. There are too many love marriages happening these days. Kids never want bad for their parents but love relationships turn things bad. Because neither do the children nor do the parents understand. Most love marriages have a friend as a role model. Only navra (idle) people fall in love otherwise who has time for all this nonsense. And if parents bring a good looking girl for their son who is already in love with someone else then its of no use coz 'agar dil aya gadhi pe toh pari kya chiz hai'. There are 4 things ruined by love marriages i.e. 'money, time, mental peace & relations'.

You too must have heard serious to hilarious conversations while traveling. Would you like to share a couple of them ?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Bye bye boredom !

Bored at office?

That is a common phenomenon !  So how do you overcome that ? Sleep off ? never know when the boss passes by your desk while you go ZzzzZzzz !

Here are some insane ways to kick that sleep away & get all active & good to go:

1. Stand right on top of your chair and yell, " I lost my pen ! How am I possibly gonna survive without it ". Make funny faces while you do that ;)

2. Bump into an office mate's desk who is really busy, peep into his work and shout, " Dude, you are doing it all wrong. The boss is gonna kill you !!!"

3. Roll your chair all over the place & give a hi-five to all your colleagues. That ways, even your colleagues are happy :)

4. Just when you are sleepy, start doing all the breathing exercises you know. Ask your colleagues to follow. Maybe you can climb up on your desk and guide them how to do it ;)

5. A hot beverage might just help you ward off boredom. How about going out for a cup of tea/coffee along with the watchman & peon ! That way, at the end of the day you know you have done something kind :)

6. Why get bored when you can do something nice ? Write a testimonial to all your colleagues one by one each day. Inspire others at your workplace to do the same. See unity grow !

7. Do crazy/weird thoughts strike your mind often ? Jot them down on your sticky notes and stick them all around your desk. People around might get curious to know and maybe your desk can be the 'Next cool place to be' !

8. Write a notice on the office board : 'The boss wants everyone to go to his cabin and wish him good morning. The one who doesn't will have to treat the whole office with ice-cream'

[ Warning : Tell your boss about it before you do that ;) ]

Do you have more ideas to give away ? Go ahead, comment & maybe I can add that part here :)

[ PS: This blog was written when I got bored at office with all the work completed & no pending stuff to do ]

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Here’s why a creative writer needs to move around…

Yes, imaginations play a huge role when you are writing something, especially if you want to get creative. But ever wondered, what you would do if you just had to sit at one  place and write, write, write and write all the time?

How possibly can you come up with new ideas? How far can you dream? How much can you imagine? 

Don’t you think you need to see new things, meet new people, go around all the time to kick your thoughts to get it 
going? Trigger your thinking process?

So how will that happen?

Take a break from your routine. Go around. You can bunk those not-so-urgent responsibilities for once!

Ever bunked office & did something that you always wanted 
to do? Try it ! You will have a wonderful topic to write on. Maybe you can title it ‘Dare to bunk office?’ or something similar.

Think about it. Roam around. Go to unknown places. Explore all you can.

Will you only make up stories in your head, refer the internet 
all the time? How real can you be by doing so?

There’s only one solution to all of this. GET OUT !

Give yourself & your skill some importance. Nourish it.

Have an instance to share ?