Friday, March 25, 2011

How connected are we?

             Social life in India is gradually decreasing upto some extent. It is not the same as it used to be earlier. When was the last time you visited your cousin? When was the last time you had a family get-together? These were some things which used to happen quite often earlier but now a days not many people find time for such occasions. Everyone is running out of time and no one is able to give out time for socialising the way they used to do previously. Today, socialising means internet (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

So, where exactly are we heading towards? 

Maximum youth today if asked about how they are in touch with their friends or relatives, most of them will have social networking site as an answer. No doubt social networking site is a boom in today’s world but we as humans have started living in a virtual surrounding. In today’s time meeting friends means meeting them online, though this might not be applicable to all. This is somehow ruining our culture of socialising. There were days when our parents or we ourselves used to meet up our close ones face to face very often, may it be for a chat or some work.

The virtual world has taken a toll upon us. There is no single place in the city where we cannot find internet services. Today, instead of making a call we prefer dropping an e-mail, instead of meeting up we prefer chatting online.

So, how exactly is this affecting us?

          Our communication skills are going low in some or the other way. We find it difficult or rather uncomfortable to interact face to face. We are unable to express our thoughts the way we used to do it before. Every youth today spends maximum amount of time sending messages through their cell phones. What we need to do is figure out how to bring back our typical socialising ways. Youths need to understand that chatting and e-mailing stands nowhere in front of physical face to face meetings.

Message ::

Start socialising- not the virtual way but the real way!

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