Sunday, September 2, 2012

We Indians love God & Procrastination...

Curtains, lights & a female voice in the background.

That huge happy feeling you get while in a concert. I attended one recently. It was a tribute concert for the 1st superstar of Bollywood - Rajesh Khanna.

Such a big event, an international singer, housefull hall & well known personalities from Gujarat. So?? Well, it still started off with a prayer. I could see most of us with joined hands while the prayer played in the background.

Alright then, Number 1 : We always follow the tradition of remembering God before everything that we do ...

Number 2 : We Indians are super punctual (Sarcasm intended). Just another thing I noticed during the concert! It was supposed to begin at 9:30 PM, but as usual, as per the rule, following the 'Indian Time', it began at 10:00 PM. No wonder!!!
But then its a circle. There's a circle to everything that happens.

From the trains to concerts, nothing happens on time. Keeping aside those professionals who begin their business meetings on dot time (I have witnessed quite  few).

Trust me, in my 22 years of life, I have never seen a train arrive on time EVER!

So what's with things not happening on time?

We are very intelligent people. Lets take the concert for example :

The organizers knew that people won't show up on time, so they started off late. While on the other side, people knew that the concert won't start on time, so they arrived late. And stuck in between were those punctual people. They had to pay a price to come early by waiting for those OH-SO-NOT-PUNCTUAL people to arrive & the concert to begin.

I was wondering, just a passing thought...
if people arrived on time, would the concert begin on time?

Frankly, I don't think so! I could still see people on stage making arrangements in a hurry.

So basically nobody is to be blamed. Its the mentality that needs to change. Nobody will go around asking you to change. It can only happen if it comes from the inside.We also don't value time when it comes to informal meetings/activities. 

"I need to get my clothes from the dry cleaner right now? Forget it, I'll get them tomorrow"

All of this leads to what? Procrastination!

So what ? Big Deal? Everybody has flaws, so do we INDIANS!

Conclusion : We are not punctual & we procrastinate. We strongly believe that its one life we get, meant to enjoy. So we eat tummy full, enjoy the last bit of everything, stay merry & leave the world with worries of counting our flaws.

Still proud to be an Indian :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Those little things in life

Have you ever noticed? Some little things make us happy & we never realize it !

Have you ever tried observing what those things are ?

Watching a flock of birds flying- the togetherness makes you happy...
Seeing a baby you don't know smile at you- the connection makes you happy...
A dog following you wagging its tail- the innocence makes you happy...
Finding a chocolate in your room you never thought existed- the surprise makes you happy...
The aura of the first rain- the freshness makes you happy...

A cup of tea when you needed it the most but never asked for, mom's kiss on your cheek while you are half asleep, a perfect dream that you don't remember but still know it was amazing, dad asking you 'Everything going good?', when you solve a puzzle no one else could, a butterfly flapping by, someone appreciating your look, a sip of cold water under the sun, a gush of cool breeze during summers, first message from a loved one in the morning, sale in your favorite outlet (specially girls), paper ball falling rite in the bin while you pretend to play basketball with it, a bird staring at you, coming across a bush full of flowers, wearing a brand new shoe for the first time, racing your vehicle with random people on the road, not halting at any traffic signal, finding a vacant place to park your vehicle, a good morning wish by the watchman & much more...

I remember the other day while I was just leaving a mall, a little girl cried on her mom's shoulder. I passed a smile to the little one & she smiled back. Imagine how would that feel ! No words, right ?!

Happiness is everywhere, we just need to observe it, find it & things will be great.

Next time you think you have the worst life ever, just look around & your life won't be worst anymore :-)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Wikipedia says, ' A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth'.

But, I think there's more to it ! 

A smile is more than just a facial expression. It is something that comes with a feeling, an inner feeling which is genuine. When a person smiles, the expression itself reveals whether the smile is real or fake. So why do you think people fake their smiles? Well, it could be anything. To hide the upsetting situation they are going through or to make others believe that though not great but things will be under control soon.

I sometimes feel upset, those general things that any one might face anytime in life. So what do I do to hide my sorrow? Nothing! I simply don't smile. Why hide your sorrow, why fake a smile when you don't feel like smiling at all? When upset, I go back home from work & do things I love. May it be troubling & irritating mom or gorging on chocolates or having a warm cup of coffee.

So next time you are upset, don't hide, just do what you think will make you feel good. Loud music also does the trick for me. I also love shouting at random people on the way, it makes me throw up my frustration. 

If you want to smile, make it genuine. If you don't feel like smiling, talk to yourself, untangle things & make sure you come back to senses only after you end up with a solution. And then when you are all ready to smile, SMILE, & it will be genuine. You are special & no one can deny that. You owe nothing to anyone, so why worry?!

So what do we learn from this? Well, nothing in particular! Drop the worry, not everything in life is to be learnt, make it light, FEEL the happiness inside you.