Friday, May 18, 2012

Those little things in life

Have you ever noticed? Some little things make us happy & we never realize it !

Have you ever tried observing what those things are ?

Watching a flock of birds flying- the togetherness makes you happy...
Seeing a baby you don't know smile at you- the connection makes you happy...
A dog following you wagging its tail- the innocence makes you happy...
Finding a chocolate in your room you never thought existed- the surprise makes you happy...
The aura of the first rain- the freshness makes you happy...

A cup of tea when you needed it the most but never asked for, mom's kiss on your cheek while you are half asleep, a perfect dream that you don't remember but still know it was amazing, dad asking you 'Everything going good?', when you solve a puzzle no one else could, a butterfly flapping by, someone appreciating your look, a sip of cold water under the sun, a gush of cool breeze during summers, first message from a loved one in the morning, sale in your favorite outlet (specially girls), paper ball falling rite in the bin while you pretend to play basketball with it, a bird staring at you, coming across a bush full of flowers, wearing a brand new shoe for the first time, racing your vehicle with random people on the road, not halting at any traffic signal, finding a vacant place to park your vehicle, a good morning wish by the watchman & much more...

I remember the other day while I was just leaving a mall, a little girl cried on her mom's shoulder. I passed a smile to the little one & she smiled back. Imagine how would that feel ! No words, right ?!

Happiness is everywhere, we just need to observe it, find it & things will be great.

Next time you think you have the worst life ever, just look around & your life won't be worst anymore :-)

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